
Christine Tomtlund
In my work I want to show you that the world we live in is beautiful and full of wonders, in variouse ways.
Therefore you can find everything from art, installations, zoological stuff and illustrations.
Artist statement
There is magic.
You can find traces of it everywhere. In a hug, how a feather is shaped, the shimmer in a dragonfly's wings, the power of life itself and how silence can be healing in the ever-changing chaos we live in. It is nature that gives us insight into life and stability in a world of attention-grabbing, advertising crises and false promises of happiness.
Let's leave the heat behind us and see the big in the small. Dig your feet into the ground and feel the security of the cool and softly uplifting earth.
Breathe clear and clean air and be filled with nature's pure truths.
Allow us to be ourselves, and sufficient in the way we are.
Let us then lighten from everything and let the thought fly to the land where everything is possible, where legends are truths, and fairy tales reflect our souls.
There I find my power and inspiration.
I belong there and I want to take you with me.

Welcome to Gästrikkonst
Time again for the yearly exhibition. I love this event and know that many of you do too. For you, who haven´t experienced it before, it´s a tour for all artlovers. Drive around the area of Gästrikland, see amazing art, talk to the artists, and enjoy the spring in the easter hollidays. There are maps and pamflets all around and otherwise you find the information you need in this place.
Me myself, I´m located in Gysinge. Best place both for culture and nature.
Opening hours 29 MARS –1 APRIL 2024 , 11–16 every day.